2025 Astrological Analysis of Amitabh Bachchana
Amitabh Bachchana Rashi is : Libra
Birth Nakshtra : Swati
Ascendant is Aquarius
Rising Nakshtra is Shatabhisha
Birth Date Of Amitabh Bachchana : 11 October 1942 (Sunday)
Birth Place : Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) India.
Birth Time : 03:30Pm (Regional Standard Time)
This year cannot be said to be very good for Amitabh Bachchan in terms of health. According to the astrological analysis of Amitabh Bachchana, he, born under the Kumbh (Aquarius) lagna, will have Saturn transiting from the first to the second house this year. In 2025, his health will be unstable as indicated in the astrological analysis of Amitabh Bachchana. In his horoscope, Mercury is a factor of an adverse Rajyog (fortune), and there will be challenges for him in 2025; he may also get entangled in some disputes.
The horoscope of Amitabh Bachchan, son of Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan, is filled with various remarkable combinations. This astrological analysis of Amitabh Bachchana highlights that yogas like Kuldeepak Yoga, Nichhbhanga Rajyog, and Bipreet Rajyog have helped him reach the pinnacle in films. Due to Jupiter being in the sixth house, he has had a close relationship with disputes as well. At one time, he faced economic difficulties due to adverse circumstances, but through Nichhbhanga Rajyog and the cancellation of Venus’s debilitation, he returned to the peak of acting and cinema. The exalted Jupiter spread his fame worldwide, enhancing his image as a great actor.
In the year 2025, based on the astrological analysis of Amitabh Bachchana, he will face troubles, difficulties, and challenges; however, his film career will continue, and due to Saturn’s transit in the second house, he will achieve every milestone through hard work and effort. His health will remain unstable.
Read More : Prashn Ka Uttar Paane Ka Mantra
Acharya Pradip Kumar (Mob) +91-7655043335 /9438741641 (Call/ Whatsapp)
Acharya Pradip Kumar is a renowned astrologer known for his expertise in astrology and powerful tantra mantra remedies. His holistic approach and spiritual sadhana guide clients on journeys of self-discovery and empowerment, providing personalized support to find clarity and solutions to life’s challenges.