Panch Maha Purusha Yogas :

Panch Maha Purusha Yogas :

Panch Maha Purusha Yogas (Hansa Yoga) :
For this yoga Jupiter should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. Native born in this yoga will be very powerful like a king. He will have marks of conch, lotus, fish and ankles on legs. He will have handsome body and will be immensely rich. He will be liked by others. He will be righteous in disposition and pure in mind.

Panch Maha Purusha Yogas – Bhadra Yoga :
For this yoga Mercury should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. The Native born in this yoga is strong, having lion like face, well developed chest, well proportioned limbs. He will help relatives and will have very long life. The native with such yoga is intelligent, learned, gifted with wealth.

Panch Maha Purusha Yogas – Ruchak Yoga :
For this yoga Mars should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. Native born in this yoga will have strong built, famous, well- versed in ancient lore, equal to king and conforming to traditions and customs. He will have ruddy complex, attractive body, charitable disposition, wealthy, long-lived and leader of an army.

Malavya Yoga :
For this yoga Venus should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. The native born in this yoga shall have strong physique and strong mind. He will be wealthy and blessed with good wife and children. He will enjoy good conveyance, comforts and pleasures. He will be renowned and learned.

Sasa Yoga :
For this yoga Saturn should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. The native born in this yoga shall command good servants and will be of questionable character. He will be head of a village or town, will covet other’s riches and will be wicked in disposition.

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