अघोर स्तम्भन तंत्र साधना कैसे करें ?

Aghor Stambhan Tantra

Aghor Stambhan Tantra Sadhana : मंत्र : “ॐ नमो भगबते श्मशानरुद्राय सर्ब जगद् ब्यापकाय ह्रौं सर्ब दुष्टानां श्रोग गात्रनेप्रयति बाक्यानि, सखेइन्द्रयाणि स्तम्भय स्तम्भय हाँ श्मशान रुद्राय खिप्रसंत्राय एहि एहि जिह्बां स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ह्रीं ह्रीं स्वाहा ।” Aghor Stambhan Tantra Vidhi : उपरोक्त मंत्र श्री जगतगुरु आदिनाथ कथित है । इसे प्राचीन स्वयं सिद्ध एबं परम … Read more

The ‘Five M’ Aghori Concept


The ‘Five M’ Aghori Concept : Aghori Sect is one the mysterious and secretive sects of Hinduism. They are the living proof of how deep and vast is Hinduism and how it caters to spiritual development of every kind of human being.   They are those people who think that they are not linked with … Read more

The Attitude of an Aghori

The Attitude of an Aghori

The Attitude of an Aghori : An Aghora will directly work on his patterns. If an Aghoree upholds hatred towards something, he will eat what he hates .If he has any violence in him , he will learn to love that violence in order to let go of it. If he loves something and thinks … Read more

The Aghoris (Monks)

The Aghoris (Monks)

The Aghoris (Monks) : The Aghoris are an ancient mystical sect of Hinduism and are Monists (monks). They are Shaivites (worshippers of Lord Shiva). A + ghor = Aghor means absence of fear , dread, difficulty .Aghor is a state that can be achieved through the practices of discipline known as Aghor Sadhana .It is … Read more



SECRETS OF AGHORA TANTRA: Aghoris base their beliefs on two principles common to broader Shaiva beliefs : that Shiva is perfect (having omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence) and that Shiva is responsible for everything that occurs all conditions , causes and effects. Consequently, everything that exists must be perfect and to deny the perfection of anything … Read more



AGHORA : All the concepts in Vedas highly emphasize on purity and on the satvic to the farther extent on the rajasic style of worships. Example of satvic worship is any simple hawans for peace etc. and rajasic forms can be rites, ashwamedha .But most people in kali yuga find it difficult to associate with … Read more

प्राचीन दुर्लभ परम गोपनीय अघोर तंत्र प्रयोग

Aghor Tantra Prayog

Prachin Durlabh Param Gopniya Aghor Tantra Prayog : भरणी नक्षत्र की रात्रि में कोआ की हड्डी लेकर उससे श्मशान के बस्त्र पर पापी ब्यक्ति का नाम लिखें फिर साधक निर्बस्त्र होकर अघोर की पूजा करें । पूजा में मांस, मदिरा ,निम्बू, लाल पुष्प, सिन्दूर आदि अर्पण करें ।   इसके पश्चात सरसों तेल का दीपक … Read more

श्मशान साधना प्रयोग एबं बंधन

Shmashaan Saadhna Prayog

Shmashaan Saadhna Prayog Ebam Bandhan : Shmashaan Saadhna Prayog Mantra : “बिसमिल्लाहिर्रमानिर्रहीम लाइल्लालिलाह मुहम्मदर्र्सुलिल्लाह मुसलमानी अबादानी भरी न खाय परी न छोडे बे मुसलमान बहिश्त को जाया हुआ ईद का रोज गुसल कर सैयद बहाया बाजा बम्ब नगाडा बख्तर तोप मंगाय दिया प्याले सहाय बा सब चल खाये चौकी पे चौकी चली अम्बरा हुआ सेत … Read more

अघोर साधना तंत्र की औघड सिद्धि

Aghor Sadhna Tantra

Aghor Sadhna Tantra Ki Aughad Siddhi : ।। औघड साधना सिद्धि मंत्र ।। “ओम् बीर भुतनाथाय औघड महेश्वराय रक्ष-रक्ष हुं हुं फट्।।” Aghor Sadhna Vidhi : साधकों यह प्राचीन गोपनीय औघड साधना (Aghor Sadhna) है जो सिद्ध औघड पंथ के महात्मादि करते हैं जो सदा ही शमशान तथा भूत-प्रेतों के साथ ब बीच में रहना … Read more